Correlation Catalog M. tuberculosis H37Rv: Rv2997 - alanine rich dehydrogenase

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Distribution of gene correlation: Rv2997 vs. all genes ?
COG Categories ?

Information storage and processing

J Translation, ribosomal structure and biogenesis

K Transcription

I DNA replication, recombination and repair

Cellular Processes

D Cell division and chromosome partitioning

O Posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones

M Cell envelope biogenesis, outer membrane

N Cell motility and secretion

P Inorganic transport and metabolism

T Signal transduction mechanisms


C Energy production and conversion

G Carbohydrate transport and metabolism

E Amino acid transport and metabolism

F Nucleotide transport and metabolism

H Coenzyme metabolism

I Lipid metabolism

Q Secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport and catabolism

Poorly characterized

R General function predicton only

S Unknown function

X No COG assigned

Genes with negative correlation ?

 Categories Enriched ?: None

Gene ?DescriptionLinks ?COG ?Correlation ?
Rv2074 conserved hypothetical protein   -0.33398
Rv2418c hypothetical protein   -0.30715

Genes with positive correlation ?

 Categories Enriched ?: None

Gene ?DescriptionLinks ?COG ?Correlation ?
Rv3069 conserved membrane protein   0.39711
Rv3071 conserved hypothetical protein   0.39022
Rv1509 hypothetical protein   0.38229
Rv3359 oxidoreductase   0.35184
Rv1052 hypothetical protein   0.31899
Rv3000 conserved membrane protein   0.31056
Rv2639c conserved membrane protein   0.31043
Rv3360 conserved hypothetical protein   0.30017