Gene  | Description | Links  | COG  | Correlation  |
Rv2043c |
pyrazinamidase/nicotinamidas pncA |
Rv3289c |
transmembrane protein |
Rv2642 |
transcriptional regulator, arsR-family |
Rv3097c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv3065 |
multidrugs transport membrane protein mmr |
Rv3123 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2641 |
cadmium inducible protein cadI |
Rv0335c |
PE family protein |
Rv1671 |
membrane protein |
Rv1150 |
transposase |
Rv2371 |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv0615 |
membrane protein |
Rv1187 |
pyrroline-5-carboxylate dehydrogenase rocA |
Rv1403c |
methyltransferase |
Rv2631 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3133c |
two component system transcriptional regulator devR |
Rv2625c |
conserved alanine and leucine rich membrane protein |
Rv1405c |
methyltransferase |
Rv2651c |
phiRv2 phage protease |
Rv1993c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2669 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1396c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv2643 |
arsenic-transport membrane protein arsC |
Rv1397c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1804c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2661c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2516c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1748 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2288 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv3595c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv2811 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1990c |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv0535 |
5-methylthioadenosine phosphorylase pnp |
Rv3766 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2503c |
succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase beta subunit scoB |
Rv3916c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0841c |
Rv3697c |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv2663 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2624c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3124 |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv1733c |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv0654 |
dioxygenase |
Rv2802c |
hypothetical alanine and arginine rich protein |
Rv1243c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv3125c |
PPE family protein |
Rv2030c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2650c |
phiRv2 phage protein |
Rv3183 |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv3189 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2827c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2431c |
PE family protein |
Rv0624 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3881c |
conserved alanine and glycine rich protein |
Rv2629 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0264c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3667 |
acetyl-CoA synthetase acs |
Rv1989c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1737c |
nitrate/nitrite transporter narK2 |
Rv1707 |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv0275c |
transcriptional regulator, tetR-family |
Rv2558 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0575c |
oxidoreductase |
Rv2660c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2130c |
cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase 2 cysS2 |
Rv3397c |
phytoene synthase phyA |
Rv1992c |
metal cation transporting P-type ATPase ctpG |
Rv2797c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2628 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2004c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3745c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3130c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3425 |
PPE family protein |
Rv2517c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv0656c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1789 |
PPE family protein |
Rv3167c |
transcriptional regulator, tetR-family |
Rv1225c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2324 |
transcriptional regulator, asnC-family |
Rv0574c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2653c |
phiRv2 phage protein |
Rv3421c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2662 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2028c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2623 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2777c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2432c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv3653 |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv2099c |
PE family protein |
Rv2626c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2005c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1581c |
phiRv1 phage protein |
Rv2029c |
phosphofructokinase pfkB |
Rv3129 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0415 |
thiamine biosynthesis oxidoreductase thiO |
Rv1443c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1929c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3387 |
transposase |
Rv3127 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1960c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2630 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv3288c |
hypothetical protein usfY |
Rv1404 |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv3290c |
L-lysine-epsilon aminotransferase lat |
Rv1555 |
fumarate reductase membrane anchor subunit frdD |
Rv1576c |
phiRv1 phage protein |
Rv2034 |
arsR-type repressor protein |
Rv0878c |
PPE family protein |
Rv3385c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3746c |
PE family protein |
Rv0463 |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv3517 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2640c |
transcriptional regulator, arsR-family |
Rv1637c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2667 |
ATP-dependent protease ATP-binding subunit clpC2 |
Rv1955 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2713 |
soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase sthA |
Rv2875 |
major secreted immunogenic protein mpt70 |
Rv2664 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv0232 |
transcriptional regulator, tetR/acrR-family |
Rv0840c |
proline iminopeptidase pip |
Rv2688c |
antibiotic-transport ATP-binding protein ABC transporter |
Rv1239c |
magnesium and cobalt transport transmembrane protein corA |
Rv1402 |
primosomal protein N priA |
Rv2385 |
acetyl hydrolase mbtJ |
Rv1994c |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv2504c |
succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid-coenzyme A transferase alpha subunit scoA |
Rv2358 |
transcriptional regulator, arsR-family |
Rv3079c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1577c |
phiRv1 phage protein |
Rv2656c |
phiRv2 phage protein |
Rv0263c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1041c |
transposase |
Rv0572c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2657c |
phiRv2 phage protein |
Rv0753c |
methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase mmsA |
Rv3724 |
Rv1365c |
anti-anti-sigma factor rsfA |
Rv0027 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv3132c |
two component system sensor histidine kinase devS |
Rv1429 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1861 |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv2126c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv3842c |
glycerophosphoryl diester phosphodiesterase glpQ1 |
Rv0279c |
PE-PGRS family protein |
Rv1583c |
phiRv1 phage protein |
Rv2117 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3122 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1807 |
PPE family protein |
Rv2330c |
lipoprotein lppP |
Rv1425 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2833c |
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding lipoprotein ugpB |
Rv2809 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv2306c |
Rv2668 |
exported alanine and valine rich protein |
Rv2182c |
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate o-acyltransferase |
Rv2255c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv3134c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0031 |
transposase |
Rv0767c |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv2647 |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1977 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv0441c |
hypothetical protein |
Rv1986 |
conserved membrane protein |
Rv2021c |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv1931c |
transcriptional regulator |
Rv3504 |
acyl-CoA dehydrogenase fadE26 |
Rv0403c |
membrane protein mmpS1 |
Rv1926c |
immunogenic protein mpt63 |
Rv3188 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv3173c |
transcriptional regulator, tetR/acrR-family |
Rv1893 |
conserved hypothetical protein |
Rv1285 |
sulfate adenylyltransferase subunit 2 cysD |